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SwissPedNet Award


Instagram und BBC session

pädiatrie schweiz hat auch in diesem Jahr die zwei von SwissPedNet verliehenen Preise von je CHF 3’000.- gesponsert. Die Preisübergabe erfolgte am Kongress in Luzern.

v.l.n.r.: Sandra Bigi, Céline Lässer, Joana Sa de Almeida, Matthias Baumgartner

We congratulate the winner of the SwissPedNet NextGen Instagram session:

Céline Lässer, University Children’s Hospital Zurich
for her research project «Simplified  meal announcement study (smash) using hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery in youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes – a randomised controlled two-centre crossover trial» (SPN 6)


We congratulate the winner of the SwissPedNet NextGen BBC session:

Joana Sa de Almeida, University Hospitals of Geneva
for her research project «Music impacts brain cortical microstructural maturation in very preterm infants» (SPN 4)