Prezzo Fanconi
Il premio Fanconi viene assegnato da pediatria svizzera ogni anno in occasione del congresso annuale. Il premio ricompensa lavori significativi a favore della pediatria. Può trattarsi di eccellenti contributi scientifici, di importanti prestazioni sociali in favore della salute dei bambini e degli adolescenti, oppure di meriti eccezionali nell’ambito della SSP.
Il premio Fanconi è dotato di CHF 10’000.–. Il termine di iscrizione cade ogni anno a fine gennaio.
Il premio può essere assegnato per un’eccellente prestazione singola, ma anche per onorare l’opera di una vita. Possono essere premiate singole persone o più persone che collaborano nello stesso gruppo di lavoro. I candidati e le candidate al premio devono avere un rapporto stretto con la pediatria svizzera. Il premio viene assegnato dal comitato della società. Le candidature, corredate di CV dettagliato e descrizione della prestazione meritevole, possono essere inviate al segretariato da qualsiasi membro ordinario, compresi i candidati stessi.
Elenco dei vincitori del premio Fanconi
- 1981 Renata Huch, Zurigo
- 1982 H. P. Wagner, Berna con Gruppo d’Oncologia Pediatrica Svizzera
- 1983 J.-P. Guignard, Losanna
- 1984 A. Niederwieser, Zurigo
- 1985 K. Schopfer, San Gallo
- 1986 M. Zachmann, Zurigo
- 1987 R. Largo, Zurigo
- 1988 R. Kraemer, Berna
- 1989 C. Bachmann, Losanna
- 1990 M. Lentze, Berna
- 1991 Esther Meili-Gerber, Zurigo
- 1992 B. Steinmann, Zurigo
- 1993 B. Richner, Cambodgia
- 1994 G. Theintz, Losanna
- 1995 E. Martin, Zurigo
- 1996 U. Lips, Zurigo
- 1997 P. Mullis, Berna
- 1998 D. Belli, Ginevra
- 1999 Sabina Liechti-Gallati, Berna
- 2000 U. Zumsteg, Basilea
- 2001 Claire-Anne Siegrist, Ginevra; Daniel Desgrandchamps, Baar; Ulrich Heininger, Basilea; Bernard Vaudaux, Losanna
- 2002 René Tabin, Sierre
- 2003 Maurice Beghetti, Ginevra
- 2004 Marco Belvedere, Zurigo
- 2005 Roger Lauener, Zurigo; Philippe Eigenmann, Ginevra
- 2006 Eva Bergsträsser, Zurigo
- 2007 Jürg Hammer, Basilea
- 2008 Christoph Aebi, Berna
- 2009 Georg A. Holländer, Basilea
- 2010 Mario Bianchetti, Bellinzona
- 2011 Michel Roulet, Losanna
- 2012 Thomas Baumann, Soletta
- 2013 Marianne Caflisch, Ginevra
- 2014 Josef Laimbacher, San Gallo; Dagmar L’Allemand, San Gallo; Nathalie Farpour, Ginevra
- 2015 Paul Imbach, Uettligen
- 2016 Eugen Boltshauser, Zurigo
- 2017 Sepp Holtz, Zurigo
- 2018 Walter Bär, Coira
- 2019 Christoph Berger, Zurigo
- 2020 Urs Frey, Basilea
- 2021 Bea Latal, Zurigo; Oskar Jenni, Zurigo
- 2022 Gregor Schubiger, Ebikon
- 2023 Claudia Kühni, Berna
- 2024 Gian Paolo Ramelli, Bellinzona
Prezzo coup de coeur
Il «Prix coup de coeur» viene assegnato a persone che con straordinario impegno e dedizione hanno elaborato soluzioni a problemi urgenti della pediatria, siano essi di natura strutturale, personale, sociale o politica. Le proposte di soluzioni devono risultare già implementate a livello pratico, almeno in base a un progetto pilota; le sole idee non possono partecipare al premio.
Il focus riguarda le strutture e i processi. Non si tratta quindi di premiare una nuova strada terapeutica, un nuovo medicamento o proposte simili, bensì di valorizzare gli approcci organizzativi, i miglioramenti strutturali, eccetera: tutto ciò che contribuisce a risolvere problemi urgenti con soluzioni orientate al futuro. Possono ricevere una valutazione positiva anche le analisi volte a migliorare la collaborazione tra le pediatre e i pediatri negli studi medici o negli ospedali, oltre che la cooperazione con le famiglie, le/i pazienti o le assicurazioni.
Sono questi approcci risolutivi che il premio intende individuare, riconoscere, mettere in evidenza e, dunque, rendere fruibili per l’intera pediatria svizzera.
Il premio, dotato di CHF 5000, viene assegnato non più di una volta all’anno e può essere vinto da un team o da una singola persona, ma non da un’istituzione o un’azienda. La cerimonia di premiazione si svolge in occasione dell’assemblea generale ordinaria di pediatria svizzera.
Le candidate e i candidati (solo membri di pediatria svizzera) possono inoltrare le proprie candidature direttamente o tramite un altro membro. Le candidature per l’anno in corso devono essere inviate al segretariato di pediatria svizzera entro la fine di febbraio,
Oltre a un breve curriculum vitae, la domanda di candidatura deve includere i seguenti punti:
- quadro della situazione e spiegazione del problema
- descrizione dell’approccio innovativo alla soluzione
- contributo personale della candidata o del candidato
- risultati raggiunti
- applicabilità a situazioni future e ad altri contesti
Elenco dei vincitori del premio coup de coeur
- 2024, Sibylle Tschumi, Berna
Prezzo Talento
An annual prize for the best scientific article prepared by a trainee has been authorized by the SGP membership at its 2008 meeting in Lugano. The Society thought to constrict the contest to physicians in training. The focus of the trainee’s work should be on some aspect of pediatrics, be it in basic science, translational science, or clinical medicine. The trainee’s work should be performed entirely or at least partly in Switzerland. Judgment will be based on a written article describing work done by the trainee him/herself and will consider originality, completeness, scientific accuracy, and contribution to science. Contestants must have been in training when the work reflected in the article was performed, and must still be in the training period or not more than one year thereafter at the time of submission. The applicant’s mentor must certify both these points and comment the contribution of the trainee.
General Information
The article has to be prepared as such for official publication, and should be composed in English. The prize will consist of complementary registration fees for the SGP meeting, and 5000 CHF. It is expected that the winner will present his/her work at the time of the SGP meeting. It is further understood that the winning article may have co-authors, but that the first author must be the trainee who is awarded by the SGP Prize. The manuscript should be accompanied by a letter stating the specific contribution of the trainee and a statement concerning previous achievements, promotional development and curricular concept. It is further understood that all entries must be sponsored by the trainee’s head of department certifying that the work reported is by the trainee him/herself and that the entrant is a trainee in good standing. The head of department does not have to be a member of SGP.
The SGP will provide time during the annual meeting for the presentation of the winning paper. The time allowed will be decided by the Local Program Committee. The winning article will be printed and distributed to all participants during the conference.
Instructions for Authors
Articles must adequately describe the objectives and results of the research so that the quality, originality and completeness of the work can be evaluated by the panel of judges. The article should contain: an introduction indicating the purpose of the study; a description of pertinent experimental procedures, including statistical evaluation where appropriate; a summary of the results; and a statement of the conclusions.
Authors must accept sole responsibility for the statements in their articles. Authors must submit, together with their article, their curriculum vitae. Authors should also provide the names and complete addresses of one or two suitable persons in the field of their submission who could act as independent reviewers. Authors should also indicate to whom they do not wish to have their manuscripts sent for review.
The article should be sent, together with a covering letter from the author’s mentor, to the office.
Articles have to be received no later than February 28! No submissions are accepted after this date.
Prezzo Aleksandrowicz
In the late 1950s, a young Israeli child was provided with life-saving care by Professor Guido Fanconi (1892-1979) at the Kinderspital in Zurich. Buoyed by the professionalism and humanism of Prof. Fanconi, the parents were able to make the brave decision to embark on experimental corticosteroid therapy for their moribund child and the family has kept a deep gratitude to Prof. Fanconi, the Kinderspital Zurich and Swiss pediatrics in general. As a sign of this gratitude, the Aleksandrowicz family has endowed an Award to support young pediatricians in Switzerland.
This annual award and a sum of CHF 5’000.- , will be bestowed every year, starting in 2022, to a young pediatrician (35 years or younger) in the final stages of training or just after their specialty ISFM board exam, for the purpose of either:
- the support of a research project in pediatrics based in Switzerland
- the attendance of an educational event (incl. masterclasses, summer/winter-schools, specific courses; excluding congresses/society meetings).
General Information
It is expected that the winner will present his/her educational or research activity at the time of the SGP meeting. It is further understood that the winning project may have co-authors, but that the first author must be the trainee who is awarded by the SGP Prize. The SGP will provide time during the annual meeting for the presentation of the winning project. The time allowed will be decided by the local Program Committee. The winning project will be distributed to all participants during the conference.
Instructions for Authors
Applications will be received by Dr. Renella via email ( during the entire calendar year with a deadline of the 31st of March and evaluated by the Award Committee. The application file (a single PDF document) shall include:
- a letter of intent describing the educational or research activity in need of support (max. 2 A4 pages)
- a letter of reference by a senior staff pediatrician of one of the Children’s Hospitals in Switzerland
- a curriculum vitae of the candidate, including a publication list if available
Modalities of attribution
The Award shall be attributed for the first time at the SSP Annual Meeting 2022.
Within 1 year of the attribution of the Award, the awardee will provide the Award Committee with a summary (one A4 page) about the research or educational goals achieved with the award sum.
Evaluation and continuation
After five years, the Donor family and the Award Committee will evaluate the success of the Award and decide on its continuation.
Prezzo Premio poster / Miglior articolo libero
Il miglior poster e la migliore relazione libera presentati saranno premiati con 1’000 franchi svizzeri ciascuno durante il congresso annuale. I membri della giuria del premio sono membri del comitato scientifico del congresso.